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Support our efforts to Define Special Districts in Federal Law

This vital legislation will clarify the role and purpose of special districts across the Country by defining Special Districts in Federal law for the first time.  Special districts will have a seat at the table in policy development and legislation in Washington DC.

Four diverse professionals. NSDA logo. Text: "Stay tuned for an act defining special districts in federal law."

Initiated and led by NSDA, with Paragon Government Relations, in 2024,  the bill was approved with wide bipartisan support by the full House on May 6, 2024, passed out of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee July 31, 2024, and unfortunately, in the final days of the 118th Congress did not pass. 

We will work to reintroduce our Bill as soon as possible.  We want you to continue to support our effort by signing and encouraging others to sign on below.

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