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Membership Dues & Payments Information

Regular Member 

Statewide Special Districts Association, Coalition, Alliance, Network


  • Organziation must have a level of formalization such as Incorporation or Memorandum of Understanding signed by the engaged partners
  • Determined by NSDA Board of Directors based on size, scale of organization, and annual operating budget
  • Phased in dues may be considered/approved by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis; all dues are determined and approved annually

Associate Members

Associate Member contributions are based on the organization size, scope and operating budget, and may be phased in per approval by the Board of Directors:

Statewide or Regional Organizations/Associations

Operating BudgetDues
Under $1M$1,250 Annually
$1 - $5M$2,500 Annually
$5M - $7.5M$5,000 Annually
$7.5M - $10M$7,500 Annually
$10M + $10,000 Annually

Individual Districts 

(not included/represented by current NSDA Regular or Associate Member)

Operating BudgetDues
$1 - $500k$500 Annually
$500k - $1M$1,000 Annually
$1M - $5M$1,500 Annually
$5M - $10M$2,500 Annually
$10M - $20M$5,000 Annually
$20M - $50M$7,500 Annually
$50M+$10,000 Annually

Affiliate Members

Businesses / Special District Service Providing Organizations 

Bronze Level$2,500 Annually
Silver Level$5,000 Annually
Gold Level$10,000 Annually
Platinum Level$25,000 Annually

National Partners Network

Complimentary Membership:

  • Dues: None
  • An opportunity for National non-profits, Associations or organizations that are interested in supporting Special Districts to connect and communicate with valued national stakeholders
  • Opportunity to be listed on teh NSDA website
  • This is not a membership category for the organization
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