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2024- HR7525/S.4673 passes out of HSGAC on July 31st!

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» To read the text of 2024 bill, S. 4673, click here.

On Wednesday, July 31st, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee formally considered and supported the Special District Grant Accessibility Act (SDGAA). 

HR7525/S. 4673 was a bill to require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to issue guidance to agencies requiring special districts to be recognized as local government for the purpose of Federal financial assistance determinations. | | Library of Congress  

"The National Special Districts Coalition (NSDC) is grateful to Senators Sinema and Cornyn for their longstanding leadership on behalf of the nation's special districts."
—Ann Terry
Chair, National Special Districts Coalition
CEO, Special District Association of Colorado

"Special districts provide essential public services to millions of Americans, including fire protection and emergency services, clean water, public transit, hospital, parks and recreation, airport, natural resource conservation, and many more. The bipartisan Special District Grant Accessibility Act would codify in federal law a long-overdue, formal definition of special district and ensure that the more than 35,000 special districts nationwide are eligible to receive all appropriate forms of federal financial assistance. NSDC looks forward to working with Senators Sinema and Cornyn, as well as our special district partners in Arizona and Texas, to ensure that this critically important piece of legislation passes the Senate." 

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