NSDC Grants, Earmarks, and Advocacy Series 2023
NSDC Grants, Earmarks, and Advocacy Series
Finding common ground on the extent of federal government spending and the amount of federal services provided is critical. As the nation’s local governments begin to brace for change, it is critical for special districts to prepare themselves for a more competitive grant environment.
The National Special Districts Coalition (NSDC), through its partnership with The Ferguson Group (TFG), is a premiere resource for special districts as you seek to capitalize on the federal grants landscape. NSDC/TFG services are designed to reduce the burden you may face in your approach to funding opportunities with a variety of professional resources to guide the way.
NSDC continues to host webinars and provcide connsultations on grants strategy, earmarks preparation, and advocacy. Each are described below and linked included within their respective subfolders.
I: Prioritizing Projects, Strategizing, and Navigating through the Process
Join The Ferguson Group (TFG) Grants Team as they guide special districts a through grants research and a step beyond the basics. The Team will dive into best practices to prioritize projects for funding opportunities and how best to strategize the approach.
NSDC Webinar - Grant Prioritization and Strategies - 7-12-23.pdfWebinar Recording - Grants 1.mov
II: NSDC Advocacy Week Briefing & and Approach to Advocacy
The NSDC Advocacy and Grants Teams, with the Paragon Group and TGF, provided a briefing on special districts’ federal advocacy priorities and perspective on the latest out of Washington, D.C., ahead of the 2023 National Special Districts Action Week. This webinar covered how best to approach your members of Congress, when to do so, and how this can plug into your grants/project funding needs.
Action Week Presentation.pdfNSDC Webinar 8.2.23.mp4
III: Preparing for FY25 Congressional Earmarks
Fiscal Year 2024 marks the third appropriations cycle in the modern era of congressional earmarks. Leveraging the history of the current programs and examining the trends overtime, the NSDC Advocacy and Grants Teams will share what special districts can anticipate for the FY25 Community Project Funding and Congressionally-Directed Funding (earmarks) programs, guidance on program rules, and how they can begin preparing now. This webinar is important for districts seeking to get ahead of the often quick and chaotic application period (spring 2024). If you missed it, please watch our video.
NSDC Webinar - Preparing for FY 2025 Appropriations - 9-6-23.pdfWebinar Recording - Grants 2.mp4
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