NSDC Applauds Texas Special District Stakeholders’ Joint Efforts for State COVID Relief
September 27, 2021
NSDC proudly supports Texas special districts' joint efforts to access a portion of the state's $15.8 billion State Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund allocation. The state coalition’s action comes as the Texas state legislature considers how it will program the federal dollars.
The advocacy coalition represents more than 1,000 special districts providing millions of Texans with fire protection and emergency services, water, wastewater, and hospital services. Nine organizations banded together to convey special districts' needs in a letter sent to Governor Greg Abbott and state legislative leadership ahead of the special legislative session.
If granted access to the funds, the group estimates Texas’ special districts can identify $1.7 billion in eligible uses of the State and Local Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund. The state's special districts would utilize the relief to reimburse expenditures incurred in response to COVID-19, make necessary investments in water and sewer infrastructure, make capital investments to expand healthcare facilities in response to the Delta surge, and purchase emergency backup power generators to ensure continuity of water and sewer services during power outages, such as what was experienced during the region's devastating 2021 winter storm.
The Coalition commends the Texas State Association of Fire and Emergency Districts, Texas Fire Chiefs Association, Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals, Texas Section of the American Water Works Association, Texas Rural Water Association, Texas Water Conservation Association, and the Association of Water Board Directors - Texas, Water Environment Association of Texas, and Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies on their leadership for special districts.
NSDC looks forward to ongoing support for the state coalition’s success.