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National Special Districts Coalition Adopts Inaugural Federal Advocacy Platform

June 17, 2021

The National Special Districts Coalition (NSDC) adopted on Thursday its first-ever federal legislative platform, providing a guide for special districts’ national advocacy.

The document serves as the foundation for NSDC’s legislative priorities and outlines key policies impacting the nation’s more than 30,000 special districts across the country. Special districts, or special purpose units of government, are local governments created by the people of a community, as authorized under state statutes, to deliver public services that other units of government do not otherwise provide.

Overarching components of the platform include securing a “special district” definition in federal law; ensuring all special districts have equitable access to state and local pandemic assistance; supporting climate adaptation and community resiliency policies benefitting special districts; developing sound solutions to harden infrastructure and safeguard funding mechanisms for infrastructure projects; pressing for easier access to federal funding opportunities; fostering development and enrichment of disadvantaged communities; and ensuring special districts concerns are considered in regulatory processes.

Click here to read NSDC’s Federal Advocacy Platform

NSDC is the only national organization representing and advocating for all special districts at the national level. The Coalition is comprised six state associations representing and providing training opportunities to special districts in California, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, South Carolina, and Utah. The Ferguson Group and Paragon Government Relations facilitates NSDC direct federal representation and grant services.

Special districts, associations, and other organizations interested in getting more involved with NSDC’s ongoing advocacy efforts are encouraged to visit

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