Fighting for Tax Exempt Status Survey
NSDA launches 2-question survey to gain insight to Lead Special Districts on National Coalitions Protecting Tax-Exempt Status - Please share with your members.
The National Special Districts Association (NSDA) is partnering with the Community Impact Coalition to protect the tax-exempt status of non-profits that partner with our members as well as tax-exempt municipal bonds. As the new Congress undertakes tax reform legislation, our educational effort is critical to prevent painful cost increases on local agencies and the communities they serve. Please help us!
Please complete our brief survey by March 21
Background: Nonprofit Tax-Exempt Status
Some lawmakers in Congress are looking for ways to raise money for the federal budget and are considering tapping nonprofit resources. If Congress puts our essential community services at risk, many nonprofits would be forced to cut programs, turn people away, or close their doors completely to those in need. Tax-exempt organizations often partner with or supplement special districts in providing services ranging from parks and recreation, to healthcare, to libraries, to drinking water, to resource conservation and more. Even organizations like NSDA, or the Special District Leadership Foundation are examples of tax-exempt organizations that directly benefit special districts and the communities they serve, promoting good governance and the delivery of efficient and effective essential services.
We are actively working to confront this issue and educate members of Congress on the vital importance of nonprofits to the communities we serve. Through NSDA, we have joined the Community Impact Coalition and we are calling on our members to take action:
Access the Coalition Toolkit. Download FAQs and key messages to help you advocate.
Post about the Community Impact Coalition on social media. Follow the coalition’s accounts and share the coalition’s content. Find us on Twitter/X ; LinkedIn; Facebook; Instagram
Background: Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds
NSDA is one of a few dozen national organizations to join the Public Finance Network (PFN) in an ongoing effort to educate the 119th Congress on the value and importance of tax-exempt municipal bonds.
For more than a century, states, local governments, and nonprofits have financed infrastructure and community improvement projects using tax-exempt municipal bonds. This infrastructure makes possible nearly every aspect of daily life and is critical in building and maintaining a strong economy for every citizen and business in the country.
Linked below are recent releases and finalized versions of the PFN Primer and Built By Bonds Data Brief:
Letter supported by NSDA to Congress
Built By Bonds Data Brief - Protecting Bonds to Build Infrastructure and Create Jobs
- Built By Bonds Map. This map has been enhanced to show “types” of projects.
- Tell Your Story”. At this link to insert a bond project.
Tear Sheets. The University of Chicago updated their congressional tear sheets. The tear sheets can be located at Municipal Bonds in Congressional Districts | Center for Municipal Finance.
Moody's Report - Credit implications of the loss of the tax exemption.
Community Impact Coalition overview 1.25.pdfCommunity Impact Coalition One Pager.pdfASAE-Tax-Coalition-Overview-11.24.pdf