February 21 - NSDA's been busy! Stay tuned into our Defining Special Districts Bill activity, Special Reports, helpful webinars and more.
Read here for the latest on NSDA's Federal Advocacy, Funding and more!
Please share with your members so everyone is fully apprised and ready to act.
Paragon has been working diligently on our bill reintroduction. While no public announcements have been made, Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) - and Representatives Pat Fallon (R-TX) and Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) - have signaled their commitment to reintroducing the legislation. We hope to announce more details soon. While there might be heightened anticipation, we strongly encourage you to watch, ask questions and stay in touch. It is critical that we do not get ahead of our bill sponsors as they continue to develop their plans for unveiling this important legislation. In the meantime, we'd appreciate you sending out a communication to your members like this:
- With NSDA's national leadership, coordination and quick turn around, we are working diligently on the reintroduction of our Special District Definition legislation. While no public announcements have been made, Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) - and Representatives Pat Fallon (R-TX) and Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) - have signaled their commitment to sponsoring the bill and are busy developing their strategy and timeline for formal introduction. On the heels of bipartisan action on the legislation during the 118th Congress, including approval by the full House, NSDA has high hopes for passage in the 119th Congress.
- What can you do now? The most important thing is for individual special districts and state associations to express support for the forthcoming bill to your members of Congress. In conveying the message, we encourage you to tell your story and to make it as local as possible. See the attached speaking points guide for your communication.
- We continue to ask for your support - please sign on to the National Support Team as soon as possible: https://www.nationalspecialdistricts.org/support-our-efforts-to-define-special-districts-in-federal-law
- What we aren't doing yet: We're not pushing for a formal letter-writing campaign at the moment. We are waiting for our bill sponsors to give us the green light to formally engage in the process. When that moment comes, we will provide a resource tool kit with content and visuals for a broader push.
When the opportunity arises, we will encourage you to ask members to co-sponsor (and provide you with a Bill Number) and use our tool kits materials.
Thank you for your support!
And there's MORE:
- The 2025 NSDA Webinar and Discussion series has been announced and sent out this morning. You will see the first is just next WEDNESDAY, so I would greatly appreciate it if you can send the announcement to your membership ASAP. https://www.nationalspecialdistricts.org/announcing-the-exclusive-members-only-2025-nsda-webinar-and-discussion-series-empowering-special-district-leaders
- The Regional Forum Series has been announced with the first one in Austin. If you have any District contacts in Texas, please share the registration link. This is a member recruitment opportunity, so is open to non members. https://www.nationalspecialdistricts.org/2025-03-19-texas-welcomes-nsda-for-special-district-executive-forum
- Generally we have kicked off our social media campaign (with paid advertising on multiple platforms) to center NSDA as the national leader, and drive membership growth so keep an eye out for social media posts and please share, like and repost.
- DMTD: we are in full swing of the Video contest. Please share this link with your members to remind them to market this opportunity for a $2000 scholarship.Parks and Rec and Libraries are great connections with youth! https://www.districtsmakethedifference.org/video-contest
- You also received our advocacy around the tax exempt status issues for Associations and a partnership we have joined. If you need more info please let me know.
- We hope you saw the Special Report from the Ferguson Group on Federal Funding to stay up to date. The key message is stay the course!