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Agenda for NSDC Legislative Committee Meeting May 30th

Recap of NSDC Federal Legislative Fly-In (April 30 & May 1)

  • Special District Grant Accessibility Act (H.R. 7525)
  • House Passage: 352-27 Vote
  • Up Next: Senate Companion Measure

Legislative Update from DC


General Overview and Outlook

  • FY 2025 Budget/Appropriations
  • FAA Reauthorization Bill Signed into Law - P.L. 118-63
  • WRDA Reauthorization - Senate Committee Action
  • Farm Bill Reauthorization - House Committee Action
  • PFAS - What's Next?

Member Items and Discussion

  • Presentation and discussion  of the impact on special districts by Jason Jantzi,  Risk Management Consultant for SDAO and  past manager at OR-OSHA, and Bruce  Lundegren, Advocacy Office for the Small Business Administration (SBA)
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